Entries by Anthony Nathan

What is Product Market Fit (PMF)?

What is Product Market Fit (PMF)? TMARA can answer this question from 4 perspectives: Target Market perspective = Product-Market Fit is achieved the moment your new product offering becomes a market MUST HAVE. Start Up perspective = Product-Market Fit is achieved when your Minimum Viable Product(MVP) satisfies the Minimum Viable Value(MVV) of the market. Funder perspective = Product-Market Fit is a tipping […]

Zero-to-One Space De-risked

All major start-up successes emerge from the Zero-to-One (new value creation) space — the world of true innovation The next AIRBNB is never another AIRBNB. The next home-run will always overcome a new limitation for the market, and become the king in a new market category – always a Zero-to-One success. Today, the codified science […]

Understanding TMARA

UNDERSTANDING TMARA   Early-Stage Investments’ Biggest Secret   Superior investors recognise that early-stage investment success follows a power law distribution, meaning the bulk of returns come from very few of the investments/start-ups in a portfolio, rather than a normal distribution, where the returns from many of the start-ups in a portfolio contribute to the overall […]


Early-stage innovators can now apply to the MCC

If you believe you have the next billion dollar start-up, and are agonising that no else can see it (yet), one critical step will deliver invaluable clarity, TMARA’s product-category fit test. This proven methodology determines whether your vision truly has the DNA to become the next, big market ‘MUST-HAVE‘ and attract serious funding. So book […]

PCF (Product-Category Fit) in 8 MUST-HAVE moves!

Becoming a (new) market (category) ‘MUST-HAVE’ means reaching ‘PCF’ (Product-Category Fit) and today it’s a 8-stage science. TMARA creates market MUST-HAVES through its 8-stage PCF process housed in its early-stage investment vehicle called the ‘MCG’ (Market Category Generator) and even comes with a guarantee for startups invited in.   The guarantee offered to start-ups entering […]

Finally, a reliable LEADING indicator of start-up success!

Dear Early-Stage Investors,   See your startup investment’s future market adoption success proven through a scientific product-category test (PCF) process:   In other words, a reliable LEADING indicator of start-up success!   Some background first….   The concept of lagging and leading indicators can assist in understanding TMARA’s playing field (assessing market risk, and accelerating market adoption success towards product-category fit -PCF). […]