Entries by Anthony Nathan

Know IF, and WHEN, you could reach Product-Category Fit (PCF)

TMARA brings the new science of Product-Category Fit (PCF) to Consilience Ventures UK Product-Category Fit (PCF) can be measured, and should be measured on an ongoing basis. Do you have PCF or NOT? (See the test below) If NOT, then allow TMARA to see IF and WHEN you could reach PCF.  Engagement Process:  The startup must first test their own PCF current-reality, ideally showing: […]

Stop turning friends and family into fools!

SON: Dad, I can feel world domination is around the corner for my startup, I need another $250k though – the market will start to pull soon, I just know it! DAD: Son, that’s what you said for your last 2 investment rounds – you seem to be in the Valley of Death, with no market to speak of? […]

Fewer Failures do not mean More Winners! (for Start Ups)

One line summary:  Today the start-up world is slave to a financial system seeking to reduce their failure rate, but not necessarily increasing the rate of real winners (home-runs)……..how do we stop this insanity? Clue: Change the focus (and techniques) from failure avoidance, to success creation!!! The Detail Most of the attention in the early-stage venturing and […]

Heavenly Angel Investors now test for product-market fit BEFORE investing.

Hey Pete, Angel investors like you, need to make a decision very early in the game, without knowing IF and WHEN, the start-up will take-off – a.k.a reach Product-Market Fit. In spite of this uncertainty, you make these bets because getting in early and being right means big-time rewards. However, you currently cope with the uncertainty, by investing in a portfolio of great jockeys, in the hope of at […]

Early-stage investing is a matter of focus!

VC Rookie: I see our portfolio of early-stage investments are in a myriad of industry and market sectors, as well as in both physical and digital solutions.  Surely we should be taking a leaf out of the Silicon Valley VC icons’ playbooks, and FOCUS on a particular solution, sector or customer type? For example, let’s […]