
We believe the power law is not valid in the world of ‘creating the winners’


What are we working on?

We are a bunch of product-category fit (PCF) scientists, and serial entrepreneurs who are challenging the validity of the ‘power law’ governing venture investment.

As stated by Peter Thiel – “We Don’t Live In A Normal World; We Live Under A ‘Power Law’.  The biggest secret in venture capital is that the best investment in a successful fund equals or outperforms the entire rest of the fund combined.

The implications, as we diminish this limitation (power law) for mankind, are mind-boggling. Instead of trying to predict the future (pick and hope for a big winner), we are able to create the future (generate big winners reliably).

We are now ready to bring the breakthrough to Africa.


In Summary:


We can now Answer this Question = How can we find, found and fund the next great new companies more reliably?


Problem (Limitation) = Today, our ability to find the next great new companies, is only as good as our gut-feeling or trusted success patterns.


Solution = To raise the bar by 10X, we have to move beyond our trusted success patterns – one has to find the real first principles that govern the creation of these great companies.


For those less familiar with the development of a science, the following might help to understand the suggested solution.


For anything to be called a science, it has to progress through 3 stages.


Stage 1 = Classification (The What);

Stage 2 = Correlation or Pattern Recognition (The HOW);

Stage 3 = Cause-Effect or First Principle (The WHY).


We are trying to move the Start Up / Venture world to the 3rd stage. 


Benefit  = The first principle way, is far more reliable and far more powerful than the pattern recognition way, because it enables the deliberate creation of the future (creating great new companies).


Secret Sauce = We have actually found the first principles (two of them), developed the resulting new methodology (product-category fit test structure), and have turned it into a reliable application (New Market Category Creator).


Resulting Product = A vehicle called the “New Market Category Creator”:


Output = Creating (finding, founding and funding) New Market Category Kings, more reliably.


Return = Above market average returns


Our Purpose = We are officially challenging the validity of the Power Law of Venture Investment.


We believe the power law is the result of the world of ‘predicting the winners’, based on pattern thinking.


We believe the power law is not valid in the world of ‘creating the winners’, a consequence of first principle thinking.



What are our next steps?


We are ready to launch our pan-African focused “Market Category Creator (MCC)” (housed in an investible vehicle) and seeking like-minded strategic partners/investors to launch into Africa.





