Too many early-stage start-ups live without knowing IF and WHEN they can, or will, become a successful ‘homerun’ (a market MUST-HAVE).
To mitigate this risk, professional early-stage investors rely on their pattern-recognising predictions, hoping to select more winners, than losers.
BUT, the reality is that it mostly never works. Most start-ups don’t become ‘home runs’ (a market MUST HAVE), and the vast majority of early-stage funds under-perform.
TMARA‘s proprietary MCG© (Market Category Generator) focuses on start-ups that are experiencing symptoms of the valley of death (poor traction, difficult to raise funds, financial stress).
MCG© is a pro-active approach to systematically finding, funding and creating ‘homerun’ start-ups.
It combines three values:
- Innovation: “It is insane to do the same things over and over again, and expect different results (Einstein)”
- Execution: “It always seems impossible, until it’s done (Nelson Mandela)”
- Curiosity: “Never say I know” (Goldratt)”
MCG© brings a robust proprietary two phases approach
(1) Screening to determine if a start-up can create a big enough NEW market category (in other words – can the start-up remove a limitation for a big enough market)?
(2) A risk mitigation program over 6-18 months. A Start-up must successfully pass the Product Category Fit (PCF) proprietary gates in order to demonstrate that it can generate new demand in a NEW category. A start up that will successfully pass all
gates, by default demonstrates home-run levels of traction and ends with a successful series A round (not lower than a pre-determined valuation)
Carefully pre-selected start-ups, are invited to join the MCG ©, and closely work with its experts to reach the goal, whilst earning MCG’s© financial support package that will cover the entire program
costs. In cases where a start-up doesn’t complete the program, a
managed exit with no obligations on the start-up applies.
Further, LEAD early stage investors who join an MCG© consortium, benefit from TMARA’s unique business model (high-level
optionality) and home-run generation guarantee (reaching home-run success within an agreed limited budget. More details on request)
Ron Striechman,
Co-Founder, CEO