There is a huge difference between UPPING the ODDS and TIPPING the ODDS.
Improving from 1 to 3 successes out of 125 MVP’s is upping the odds, where tipping the odds would improve this to 30 out of 125 MVPs (a 10X improvement).
Today, an Incubator’s aim is to UP THE ODDS for start-ups
This way is known as “Spray and Pray”.
Since there is no recipe to pick the winners, incubators select a group of Start Ups that fit a particular profile and give every Start Up an equal opportunity to make use of best practice tools and support, to grow into potentially sustainable businesses.
The results tend to be far below expectation. Most of the time, the entire cohort fails. Most do learn something about the tools, but never really understand why they failed or why they succeeded.
Take Away
Tomorrow’s Incubators must aim to TIP THE ODDS for Start Ups (10X).
There is a new scientific process that enables us to assess, at any stage of a Start Up’s life-cycle, if success is one of the potential outcomes for the Start Up and WHY.
The brilliance of the new process, is that it highlights the moment success is no longer a potential outcome, and more importantly why.
This focuses all the needed attention on the real challenge and enables effective mentoring and funding. This way is known as “Success as an Outcome”.
Everyone learns quickly what it takes to succeed, why they failed, or why they succeeded.
The secret sauce comes from this new methodology, which enables the Start Up to immediately face and focus on their biggest SUCCESS challenges, and sequentially determine if success remains one of the potential outcomes.